Welcome to the RRPictureArchives.NET contributor site of DeerOut Pictures.
Hello, welcome to my site! I am a railfanner in the North Shore locale of Chicago, Illinois and do most of my railfanning on the C&M subdivision I have been taking photos of trains and saving them for a few years now. Since the pandemic, I have really started to work on actively railfanning more. Winter is my favourite season so expect many photos from that time.
I'm going through and uploading all the photos and freeze frames of 4K HDR footage I've taken. I have about 80 GB of train videos and pictures to go through! That being said, some dates may very well be unknown. While I am trying my best to take good notes when railfanning, there are some limits. I'll try and be as accurate as possible.
I also manage a Metra roster website, link to come!
All photos taken by me are free of copyright restriction (i.e. public domain). Even though you don't have to credit me, it would be nice ;)
You may browse my collection of pictures via the menu located on the left hand side of the page. I hope you enjoy the collection and thanks for stopping by!